Crucial For The Next Generation By Alyssa Abel

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According to Yale University, environmental education fails to keep pace with environmental degradation and prompts action, causing societal consumption and destruction. On the other hand, Alyssa Abel believes that the next generation to become resilient individuals aware of the importance of environmental responsibilities is crucial. Marine conservationist Charles Saylan believes the U.S. educational system needs to produce citizens who follow the law and regard themselves as protecting the environment. Charles Saylan states that “educators need to go beyond rhetoric and make environmental values a central part of a public education” (Nijhuis). Alyssa Abel, an established education blogger in new learning methodologies, believes that society requires eco-innovation and a sustainable emphasis more than ever, given the current state of the environment.
In their book, Charles Saylan and Daniel Blumstein argue that preserving the environment is an independent value that needs to be emphasized in public education.
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The article reveals that society needs eco-innovation and a sustainable focus in today's rapidly changing environmental context. This change can come from social movements and ground-breaking projects, but educating students about sustainable living is ideal. Educators are responsible for raising environmentally conscious, self-sufficient individuals who understand the importance of protecting the environment. Young people's efforts like Spark-Y embrace practical environmental education while giving students practical skills and helping them realize the domain's value. This source and its relevancy tie back to my topic because the general points given through the source benefit my research on sustainability in