Cruda Amarilli Fifth Madrigal Analysis

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This emphasizes the weight of Mirtillo’s loss, the listener visualizes an image of people parting since the voices move away from each other in a fashion that is staggered. The piece ends on an A major triad, although the lighter harmonic repercussion is somehow lost in relation to the preceding measures of sorrow. “Ah, dolente partita” shows the development of madrigals and bridges the gap between the renaissance and the baroque periods. Although it contains many conventions that were used before Monteverdi, the fourth madrigal uses techniques that prove prominent in the seconda prattica. Through the treatment of dissonance and Monteverdi’s text painting, he is able to induce loss, sorrow and other emotional sensations from the listeners. Monteverdi’s “Cruda Amarilli” Madrigal (Fifth Madrigal Book) …show more content…

The Fifth madrigal book got a lot of criticism from Artusi in his L’Artusi in which he argues over Monteverdi’s introduction of alleged new rules, the unprepared sevenths and the use of turns and modes of phrases that were considered as being unpleasing to hear and harsh . The madrigal “Cruda Amarilli” is from Giambattista Guirini’s “Il Pastor Fido”. It is classified in the mixolydian which Artusi qualifies as being improper. “Cruda Amarilli” has free use of form, however it is easy to identify three sections in this madrigal. The first being from the first measure to measure 25, the second from measure 26-43, s and the last from measure 44 until the end of this piece