Cruelty: A Literary Analysis

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In this modern era, literature has become a part of the life of people, not only adults but also children. This literature serves not only as a means of entertainment or education but also to organize thought, to test beliefs, to convey what is valued, and to attempt to influence the actions and thoughts of others. It is not surprising that for most of us, early childhood memories include a favorite story. From among the many stories that we have heard or had read to us, there is often one story which we relate best and influence us deeper than the rest, a story that touched an emotional chord, somehow reflecting a keenly felt need, concern, or set of values. Considering this phenomenon, it has become an important issue for the readers to …show more content…

Cruelty discussed in this paper can be performed physically and verbally and done by human beings as well as animals and magic figures. The analysis will include all related terms, such as brutality, violence, murder and torture found in both novels. A further analysis is then made to see the connection of the author past and childhood memories with the cruelty portrayed in most of the author’s novel. 2. Problem formulation 1. How cruelty, both physically and verbally, is portrayed in both of the novel? 2. What purposes do these cruelties serve? 3. How do these cruelties portrayed in the novels related to the author’s dark …show more content…

After considering the objectives of the study, the research questions, the limitations and the scope, the researcher felt the appropriateness for adopting the qualitative data gathering techniques. 3.2 Research Design After examining the objective of the study, and the findings of the previous study, a qualitative method research design had been choosen because the writer of this paper thinks it will best fit the objectives of the paper and will be enough to give the full information regarding the topic and able to generate results of the implication of certain theory to the reader. The writer of this paper will conduct a quanlitave data collection through the textual analysis of both of the novels and the memoir of Roald Dahl. The writer then collected datas on how cruelty is used in the novels, both verbally and physcally and done by human beings as well as animals and magic figures. The analysis will include all related terms, such as brutality, violence, murder and torture found in both novels. Next, the writer will do a close analysis and study of the author’s biography and dark past. A further analysis is then made to see the connection of the author past and childhood memories with the cruelty portrayed in most of the author’s