
Cultural Differences Between 1601 And 1650 France Essay

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Between the year 1601 and 1650 france and italy also Europe had many important things going with their culture and clothing also new types of paintings on in their country around the same period of time,some were getting their independence or fixing problems with their religion,also starting war with other countries such as france starting war against spain. France and spain were having problems with territory between the year 1635 and 1659, The French Minister from France declared war to spain in the year 1635, because France was surrounded by Habsburg and the French king did not like that.France invaded Northern italy to claim the spanish territory which was habsburgs, this war lasted about 30 years,the king that the french had was Louis XIII,the spanish were advancing by invading paris and conquering paris for their own and Louis XIII declared everybody to evacuate paris, because soldiers from spain were coming to invade paris, and burn their homes and kill men and women in paris. The military prospects of France were not good. Her troops were undisciplined and poor experience they had to in the more modern forms of fighting. France, therefore, needed friends to help them out during the war. In July 1635, France signed a treaty with Savoy, Parma and Mantua …show more content…

Many workshops continued to produce design series conceived during the second third of the sixteenth century, but from the 1610s to the 1630s, new type of designs were created by Peter Paul Ruben. Jacob Jordaens, and their pupils. These artists introduced the vocabulary of Baroque style to tapestry design, depicting large figures with billowing drapery engaged in dramatic action, within elaborate architectural

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