Cultural Differences Between Australia And Hong Kong

416 Words2 Pages

Choon Ling, Kai H. Lim, Kwok Leung, Matthew K. O. Lee, Wayne Wei Huang UdayKumar Rallabandi
In these article authors explain that, to increase the customer trust among the website for shopping the cultural characteristics of particular website plays an important role. Australia and Hong Kong are the two research sites authors conducted their surveys. Trust is considered to be critical for internet shopping. Cultural difference among different people could also affect the trust on internet shopping. The two web strategies authors mentioned are reputable website affiliation and customer endorsement.
Reputable website affiliation …show more content…

H2: the positive impact of peer customer endorsement is more effective on collectivism compared to individualism.

Individualism is defined as the needs, goals and values of particular individuals to overcome on groups. It can be viewed in both in-group and out-group.
Collectivism has more positive attitude on trusting people. It can be done more in-group members.
Individualism and collectivism are defined as “deep structure” for cultural difference among customers.
PLS (partial least squares) is a second generation tool used to do research and build trust on customers. The tool used is PLS-GRAPH.
The demographics shows that the male percentage in Australia is more when compared to Hong Kong (73% in AUS and 47% in HK) and female percentage is more in Hong Kong compared to Australia is less (HK is 53% and AUS is 27%).
In this article, the authors implemented the path comparison technique to find out the trust and the belief on internet shopping among the different cultural customers in Hong Kong and Australia countries.
The limitations and the future research used by authors are: homogenous subjects, past research papers, web strategies, research on cultural impact