Essay On Native American Women

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While still in the United States, Native American tribes are considered sovereign countries. Tribes have their own system that tends to the needs on the reservation. This includes their own government structures, passing laws and ensuring they are enforced. When Native Americans were forced onto reservations, agreements were made between tribal leaders and government officials to ensure that Native Americans would be able to govern their own people, enabling each tribe to protect their distinctive cultural practices and identities. Yet with this distinct divide, many Native Americans do not get the same treatments and benefits that many others get in the dominant society. Miscommunication between governments and law enforcement agencies as well as the long-running history of hatred prevents some from the assistance that they would otherwise have access to. …show more content…

Native American women are twice as likely to experience rape or sexual assault compared to women of other races (Gebhardt and Woody 2012). Findings have shown that the needs of these women who do fall victim to sexual assault, just as many others, are not being