Cultural Influences On Personality

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Personality is shaped by both genetic and environmental influences, however among the most important of the latter are cultural influences. The impact of culture on personality is now broadly identified in a specialized area in psychology called cross cultural psychology (Schultz & Schultz, 2009). Culture in the broader term is comprised of behaviors, values, symbols, meaning systems, communication systems, rules, and conventions. It is shaped by and in turn shapes the mind and brains of individuals in their culture which in turn influences religion, individualism and groups however this is just a subset of our culture. Our culture is transmitted through language and the modelling of behavior when conditions permit humans to communicate through …show more content…

In addition boys and girls are still typically reared according to the traditional stereotypes based from their particular culture which usually influences their personality, this explains why a woman born in Arab will be more introverted as opposed to a woman born in America. It’s noted that cultural differences affect personality development and assessment, however cultural factors can also influence human nature ((Schultz & Schultz, 2009). For example, people who are from India or other countries that accept Hinduism or Buddhism belief in karma may lead to them having a passive, resigned personality type. This means that they are tolerant of whatever may happen in their life and are often not inspired to take action to change it because of the belief that their fortune or misfortune, health or sickness is preordained by their prior