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Furthermore, research conducted by Cumberbatch (1997) states Bandura et al. (1961) experiment lacks credibility. Whereas Hart (2006) argued selection bias affected the internal validly of Bandura et al. study, Cumberbatch (1997) states that the novelty of the Bobo Doll may have impacted on Bandura’s findings. Cumberbatch found children exposured to the Bobo Doll previously illustrated five times less violence compared with those test subjects who were familiar with the doll. Children may have perceived the Bobo Doll as merely a toy with its intention to hit it, kick it and show aggression towards it. According to Bar-on (2000), aggression is behaviour aimed with the intention of injuring or harming another living being who is driven to evade …show more content…

(1961) social learning findings, Bar-on (2000) argued a link between biology and aggression existed. The developmental stages of the participants in the study were all below the age of eight years old. According to Bar-on, the frontal lobe of children at this age is not fully developed and hence, the test subjects would not have been able to differentiate between fantasy and reality. Similarly to Cumberbatch (1997) findings, Bar-on states Bandura et al. (1961) experiment lacks ecological validity. Bar-on further argued the study did not take place in a natural ‘real life’ setting and thus his conclusions fail to be credible. In addition, Sharon & Woolley (2004) view that when dealing with complex issues such as children, violence and crimes, no one reason for aggression exists. Furthermore, they explained the role of biology, environmental and social issues are significant when taking into account the reasons violence amongst children occur. Subsequently, Bandura et al. claim that if exposed to aggression children will model aggressive behaviour, fails to consider the multiple causes that children model aggression, such as the biology of children and the natural setting that the experiment was conducted in. When attempting to understand the reasons that violence occurs in children, it is significant to recognise in today’s society, no one single source is the basis for aggression in