Cure Cancer Persuasive Speech

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Can you cure cancer in 6 steps? Step 1: Clean your body thoroughly with a chlorine dioxide cure (MMS). If you have cancer I strongly advise you to take the MMS cleaning cure. MMS stands for Miracle Mineral Solution and is based on the purification effect of chlorine dioxide (ClO2). The free oxygen radicals that are released into your body by ingesting chlorine dioxide kill all anaerobic (false) fungi, bacteria, viruses and parasites or pathogens and scary creatures. Imagine, you don't want such uninvited guests to occupy and undermine your immune system, don't you? Exactly! So let us get to grips with it thoroughly and make sure that we get rid of those mentors. There are different methods for this, but they are all based on the same thing: free oxygen radicals that react with these anaerobic regulars and kill them without affecting the body's own aerobic cells! Chlorine dioxide only kills the harmful bacilli/ fungi, viruses, etc... because they live below 7Ph neutral. This is because the surface of a pathogen has a lower Ph than, for example, blood. Since chlorine dioxide is highly explosive, it immediately kills pathogens, leaving only a little innocent cooking salt (sodium chloride) that is virtually imperceptible. It is almost impossible to do this in a beautiful way. ClO2 consists of 1 chlorine and 2 oxygen atoms that …show more content…

If your body does not know what to do with all the superfluous sugars, oestrogens, cortisol and other real toxins such as mercury and aluminium, your liver will pack these in fat and store them in your fat cells. Do you now understand why people can become fat by stress? To make the removal of these toxins possible, you need to eat differently and first of all avoid the sugars and fast carbohydrates. That is actually empty food, and that is of no use to us today if we try to become stronger and

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