Current Status Of A Spoken Country In The World Marketplace

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What is the current status of your chosen country in the world market place?
Switzerland is currently very healthy when it comes to their status in the world marketplace. A mixture of its location, imports, exports, and smart population all make this country one that is thriving in the world market. The swiss are very open to trading and investing in other nations. Imports and exports combined are equal to about 115% of the gross domestic product. The wealth of Switzerland ($59k per capita income) naturally leads to more spending, thus creating higher imports and exports and higher involvement in the world market.
Switzerland mostly exports machinery, chemicals and metals. Their biggest clients include Germany, the US, and India. These, and other big spenders, equate to Switzerland exporting over $220 billion worth of material per year. Their currency, the …show more content…

Doing business in Switzerland can be described as easier than average when considering ease. The population is classified as wealthy meaning there will be money to spend inside Switzerland. It also helps that almost the entire country is already connected in some way or another (142 cell phones per 100 people). Things like utilities are easy to acquire, taxes are simple, and property registration is a breeze.
Switzerland ranks #31 overall on the doing business index. They have always been a top contender on the ease of doing business index and with a strong economy it will only continue. The only real struggle in Switzerland’s ease of business is protecting minority investors.

Are other countries wanting to invest in your chosen country?
Other countries are very willing to invest in Switzerland. Because it has such a strong economy, it can be seen as a safe investment for outside countries. The population is guided at a young age to start working on their careers while in primary school. This makes the workforce extremely reliable and highly

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