
European Imperialism Essay

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The Belgians strongly desired the need for economic expansion because of rise of the industrial revolution. Nations such as the Belgians desired money, land and wanted more of it at a more rapid pace. In order for the Belgians to successfully meet their desires they began to imperialize the Congolese. According to an excerpt from Jules Ferry, “Colonial (Imperialist) policy is the child of the industrial revolution. It is necessary for wealthy countries where capital (money) is plentiful and accumulates (grows) fast, where industry is expanding steadily, where even agriculture must become mechanized in order to survive. Exports (goods sold to other countries) are essential for public prosperity (wealth).” It is clear that, Jules Ferry suggests that …show more content…

However cold-blood and violent interactions came across the Belgians and Congolese. Throughout time as the Belgians imperialized the Congo and forced the men to farm rubber, the Congolese men had insensitive goals in collecting rubber and when expectations were not met they were cruelly mistreated. According to the European human rights group Anti-Slavery International, “Congolese children and wives whose father failed to meet rubber collection quotas were often punished by having their hands cut off.”(Figure 1) It is spurfowl that brutality took place with interactions of the Congo. It is exceedingly clear that the Congolese were abusive, and gorifyinly injured by the Belgians. All in all the consequences of the Congo was admirable. Although deaths extends over the tens of millions the world became aware of this crisis and changes were demanded. As a result the Congo resulted to gain back their freedom and create a colony of there own eighty times the size of the

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