Custodial Interrogation Analysis

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Custodial interrogations remain a gray area that has often attracted numerous debates and raised various legal questions. This involves restraining the freedom of movement of an individual even though the said individual has not been subjected to any kind of arrest. This mostly affects minority communities even though they might not pose flight risks. It has often been documented that through custodial interrogations, law enforcement agents use various manipulation techniques that force unsuspecting individuals to give testimony that might prove self-incriminating (Dinos, 2015). For this reason, custodial interrogations are believed to infringe rights, especially since suspects are allowed to have an attorney present at all times. Defendants …show more content…

Human rights are divided into two major parts; universal human rights, and national human rights. Universal human rights are those rights that guide every nation to act in a specific way in the protection of the human being regardless of economic, social and political differences (Vazsonyi, 2016). National human rights are those secondary rights but deemed fundamental by every nation as stipulated in their constitution. Several international conventions and treaties support human rights across the globe, and all these seek to address the issue of discrimination in criminal justice systems. For example, United Nation 's Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, among others are at loggerheads in fighting for human rights at different …show more content…

The constitution guarantees every citizen to enjoy equally and exercise their fundamental freedom equally. This is extended to the available opportunities in the political, economic, cultural, and social environment. People should not be discriminated in relevance to their sex, age, race, health status, disability, or any other discriminatory element (Shen, 2017). The state should be at the forefront of protecting its citizens through a judicial process against and discriminatory act. All individuals should be accorded the right to freedom and security. This right protects the citizens and anybody present in the country either as a tourist, investor or on any other term from being treated or subjected to a cruel punishment or in a degrading manner. This includes corporal punishment, torture in any manner deemed cruel, detention without trial, except during a state of emergency where different laws might apply.
Freedom of expression is another fundamental right guaranteed to the citizens as stipulated in the constitution. This right is guided by another principle, which might result in violation of another right (Dunford, 2016). These freedoms include freedom of both academic and scientific research, freedom to seek, receive or impart information or ideas, and finally the freedom to exercise talents. Contrary to this outlined freedom, in exercising this right, every