
Cycle Of Violence Essay

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Cycle of Violence
Man and woman lock themselves into the spiral of violence that increases in frequency and intensity. In the majority of cases, the violent partner's behavior is more and more dangerous and worsens over time. This evolution can develop over very long periods. There may be psychological and verbal abuse for years before the first physical assault
First, a couple that goes pretty well, then, little by little, a tension that settles in the relationship. To avoid a scene, the victim tries by all means to lower the tension of his partner. She is ahead of her and complies with her requirements. She is afraid, and fear paralyzes her.
Finally, The violent episode will take place, regardless of the form of violence used. The author …show more content…

It should also be remembered that spousal violence is not only manifested by physical violence. The abuser also tends to control the life of the other; this may be manifested in preventing victims from taking proper care of their health. Another facet of the problem is that victims of domestic violence often lack self-confidence, and may be reluctant to come forward or complain to medical staff. It must also be taken into account that talking about violence is extremely difficult. Battered women sometimes tend to avoid physical examinations simply because they do not want their difficulties to be known outside the household. Which does not encourage them to lend themselves to frequent …show more content…

The victim believes the problem is caused by themselves, and the violence is because of their actions within the relationship. This reason is most difficult to understand for the victim. Somebody in this situation does not realize there is a real problem in their way of thinking and the first step of the healing process for a mental illness is to accept to be sick. Moreover, in victims’ minds, aggressors are never wrong because victims place them on a pedestasl which avoids them of all responsibilities. To leave a domestic violence relationship, changing this aspect of their thinking is essential ; victims need to realize the harmful effect on their lives and they need to stop idealizing their

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