Domestic Violence Action Plan Essay

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Domestic Violence Action Plan
After I graduate with my Bachelor's I plan to go get my Master’s in Higher Education. I plan on working within the Division of Student Affairs. Dealing first hand with students and their problems such as; Residence Life, Office of Multicultural Student Success, or a TRIO / Upward Bound Program. While working in the Division there are mandatory trainings that educate new and old staff about current issues that may affect their students’ success while in college. By working with students, it means creating mandatory training and orientation for freshmen and new students. From the research that I have found concerning Higher Education on the collegiate level there are not training programs in place …show more content…

The hierarchy in residence life is; Director of Residence Life, Assistant Director of Residence, Area Coordinator, Hall Director, Graduate Assistant Hall Director, and Resident Advisor. Starting from the top, the people in these positions will receive the training first, to be able to train their staff. What makes it so important for the entire hierarchy to have the training is because if there was an incident where a file was made, the appropriate staff member will be able to handle it. Having the Resident Advisor trained on domestic violence is a priority, because they deal first hand with the students on their floor. So, they would be able to know what a domestic violence relationship looks like. Which then could help the victim move out of the relationship and get …show more content…

My first impression of domestic violence, was somewhat stereotypical. When asked in class what domestic violence was, I stated that it is” the abuse of all people in the form of physical, emotional, and sexual”. I never argued that someone could be mentally abuse because I was taught no one could control your mind. After watching documentaries about domestic violence, I was able to see that there was a mental break in the victim. It became more aware to me that after the abuse, the survivor would need therapy to help them cope with the abuse and life