
Domestic Violence Attorney Essay

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3 Things You Should Expect From Your Domestic Violence Attorney
Domestic violence involves a pattern of abusive behavior by one person of another person that are in an intimate relationship. Although domestic violence is often thought to only include physical behaviors, it can involve emotional, sexual, verbal and/or psychological abuse as well. It most commonly involves married couples, but it can also involve parents and child, siblings and even friends who reside in the same home. Each state has its own definitions of what constitutes an act of domestic violence, but it is important to know that violence is never okay, regardless of the type of relationship in which it occurs. Whether you have been accused of domestic violence or you are the victim of domestic violence, you may at some point …show more content…

For example, courts orders may include a restraining order limiting contact between the two parties, a no-contact order or a civil or criminal injunction. In many situations, before these orders can be issued, the allegations must be verified, which may consist of your attorney requesting police reports and/or hospital reports. If you are the victim or the accused, your lawyer will verify that you did receive the documents and that you fully understand what the order is enforcing.
Recommending Counseling
Domestic violence attorney’s often recommend counseling for both the accused and the victim. Psychological evaluations may also be requested in order for the attorney to have a clear understanding of the psychological effects the abuse has had, which may add precedence to certain situations. For example, if the abuse has been an ongoing occurrence, the attorney may use the evaluation to request a no-contact order as opposed to a restraining order (which typically only limits the contact).
Advising the

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