Nature Vs Nurture Domestic Abuse Essay

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Domestic abuse is very common worldwide, especially in the United States. Approximately, 1 in 4 men, and 1 in 3 women will experience some form of abuse by a partner. Americans need to learn all the varieties of abuse and the signs associated with them. Psychology is the scientific study of the human brain and its functions. Psychologists can further examine the minds of domestic abusers and gather information on the cause of their actions. Biological, and psychological mental disorders can also affect a person’s actions. However, living in an abusive household, especially as a child leads to trauma and severe long-term effects on their actions as well. These two factors are a product of nature versus nurture. Nature: mental illnesses increase the likelihood of abuse. Nurture: a person abuses because they learned it from their environment. These factors decide the development of the human brain. The increase in all forms of domestic abuse is influenced by mental illness and childhood trauma. There are multiple types of domestic abuse, every type is very serious and dangerous to victims. It has everlasting effects on mental, physical, and sexual health. Sexual abuse occurs when a …show more content…

Victims have to live with the trauma and mental illness for the rest of their lives. Abusers continually get away with abusing their partners for years with no consequence. It is a global issue that needs to end. Domestic abuse is evil and frightening. Treatment for mental illness needs to be available for everyone, so abusers and victims can get better. Victims that have childhood trauma need to work to end the cycle and provide a stable life for themselves and their peers. Anyone can abuse and anyone can be abused. Unfortunately, in some cases abuse is fatal however, anyone currently being abused can use hotlines and websites to escape the dangerous situation. No one deserves to be