
Daisy In The Great Gatsby

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“The great Gatsby was written almost 90 years ago” by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the book stands as one of america's literature typical novels. Its function resides in the way its expressive composition curls around a central idea.through all the glamour, through all the charm and fraud, the novel calmly exposes the american dream as a baffle and basically damaging effort. The novel was announced four years before the Great Depression. There are bizarre analogy. The teens were famous during the Roaring Twenties. Dresses were shorter, and the music was questionable. Fast forward one hundred years later, the dresses were even shorter with music that is even more questionable. The 1920s era moved by names like jazz, intolerance, and the era of wonderful …show more content…

Daisy can be seen either completely , as the wealthy, prominent young woman who are defined as dishonest, beautiful, and rather snobbish. Daisy however also culturally featuring innocence, purity, and perfection during her early time, much like the original American dream. also like the American dream, she loses value and becomes damaged or her desire deluded over time. She loses her purpose and becomes just a bored homemaker and show off wife for Tom. Also, Daisy serves as upper class women in this exclusive group of great wealthy families during these affluent times. Daisy is a fragile character who is easily lead into evil and physically and properly weak, and reflects on women of her stature. Therefore, she literally represents women of "East Egg" society during the 20's as well as psychologically the tainted or empty American dream, as her name implies. A daisy flower is pure, white, and ideal when it is blooming at a young age much like the American Dream was absurd and beautiful in the beginning when it embodies thought, but the flower blooms and becomes tainted, withered, and eventually dies, also like the American Dream once people are faced with the reality of an empty or mistaken promise. It is important to note that Daisy is Gatsby's ultimate dream, he lives his entire life trying to create the means necessary to excite her and finally win her over from Tom. This relationship represents society trying to complete the American Dream, as people live out their lives and kill themselves working to attain this dream yet once they come to accept that the ideal or dignity they have aim for is just manifested thought, the American Dream is revalued to its original

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