Dalai Lama's Pursuing Happiness

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Chapter one of the text in Pursuing Happiness, by Matthew Parfitt and Dawn Skorczewski cites a section from the excerpt The Art of Happiness by the Dalai Lama and Howard Cutler. The Dalai Lama mentions two ways of how we can achieve inner contentment. I will discuss the differences of the two methods of inner contentment and why the Dalai Lama said the second method is more reliable.
The Dalai Lama introduces the first method of obtaining everything that we want and desire. These desires can begin as positive desires but, can easily become negative and unreasonable. This would mean a person would be able to satisfy their desires to achieve all physical desires such as money, cars, the perfect mate etc. The desire is not determined positive …show more content…

Instead, want and appreciate what one has, this is closely related to self-worth. This practice would be the complete opposite of the first method. A person never realizes all the simple things they have as simple as loved ones and end up taking everything they have for granted. Those who obtain more tend to have more problems as they depend on their security and peace from material possessions. Unlike someone who is affectionate and has compassion doesn’t need objects to know they can live without the luxuries in life and appreciate what they do have. Yeshe quoted the Dalai Lama stating,
“Without caring for others, eventually creates suspicion and distrust even with your neighbours, which brings feelings of fear, loneliness, helplessness."
In conclusion the Dalai Lama comes to is the second method for inner contentment is a more reliable because unlike the first method we do not need others or material possessions to be happy. Tina Lam quoted “there are limitations on external resources, but not internal ones.” People tend to lose focus of happiness and need to remind ourselves to appreciate our accomplishments.
People work hard and strive to be better and sometimes that not enough. Causing people to put a large amount of stress upon ourselves to have the best because we think we deserve it. Schanes quoted the Dalai Lama citing “No matter what you’re surroundings you can keep peace of mind.” Also, remembering to cherish others as you would