Rhetorical Analysis On Steve Jobs

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One of the most famous people in the world is not Nicolas Steno, Cleisthenes, or Elisha Kane. It is Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple Co, NeXT, and Pixar, whose ideas change the world in which we live in today. He explains 3 stories that he has gone through in his life about connecting the dots, doing what he loves, and to live everyday as it was your last. Within Jobs’ commencement address to Stanford University it illustrates the ideas about living life and doing what you love is inspiring, his view about living a quality life is idealistic and overly simplistic. Within his commencement address Jobs shares three stories from his life that helped him succeed, claiming it will do the same for everyone else. His first story is about connecting the dots, and how every one of his decisions that appeared like the wrong ones at the time ended up being the right moves later on in his life. Jobs states “So I decided to drop out and trust that it would all work out OK. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back, it was one of the best decisions I ever made.” Also, he goes on saying how “ you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them backward.” However this negates the lives of numerous individuals. By Jobs saying that it resists the …show more content…

He recounts of a quote that he has once read that has affected him for a decent parcel of his life, “If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right.” (Jobs). This is a pretty difficult concept that individuals grasp because if it was my last day of living, then obviously I wouldn't do my normal routine. He knew that if the solution to his inquiry was no for an excess of days consecutively, then there would be a need of change in his daily routine. Full satisfaction of an individual is impossible. As individuals we are never content and are always in need of something