Dante's Inferno

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As well as a book referencing his work, a video game was created solely off of The Inferno, a video game which you play as Dante himself to save Beatrice, the love of his life, simply called Dante's Inferno. Within The Atlantic's article by Benjamin Popper, he references Jonathan Knight, a producer for the company which created the game, that the player would be “. . . traveling through a series of levels, deeper into the center of the earth, . . . reading the poem you realize right away, this would make a great video game.”16 Of course, the video game could not stay on the same plotline as the poem, measures had to be made to make the game successful such as making him a fighter against evil and such. Snider's article with USA Today helps explain this transformation better as he says, “. . . transforming the chatty, often unnerved traveler Dante in the poem into a rough-hewn warrior returning from the Crusades— a Conan the Barbarian with a conscience — wielding a razor-sharp scythe stolen from Death himself.”17 He also later continues with saying, also quoting Jonathan Knight for a great example, “to work as a game, the designers needed an amped-up protagonist. "The historical Dante is not action-oriented.