Dante's Inferno

580 Words3 Pages

By Brown Dan,
Doubleday Publications, 2013, $9.73 paper, ISBN 978-1400079155
Reviewed by Karthik.M
A critic of Christianity but says I am not an antichristian, an explorer of the truths of Vatican and Washington D.C, a songwriter, a novelist whose books were translated to 52 languages and sold around 200 million copies, Dan Brown has once proved his class.
As in Robert Langdon’s series, he travels to Vatican, Paris, Washington D.C and now Florence.
Coming to the physical look of the book, the cover bears the image of some personality, later found as Dante in the context.
Inferno, as it sounds Italian, the story starts there.
The story starts with an illustration of a painting by Sandro Botticelli and paraphrased poem of Dante Alighiri ,”DIVINE COMEDY”, which describes about the hell and he calls that description as a gift named “INFERNO” which is the future’s salvation. …show more content…

Brown, used difficult terminologies to express his views in the case of costumes, objects around, etc. which are difficult to understand without references but they are relevant to the content. For example, he uses British branded suits which makes people perceive him as British but he is not. His huge detailed explanation for simple context make many feel bored, but it adds more details to