What Is The Use Of Ethos Pathos And Logos In Governor Brown Speech

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When was the last time Governor Brown’s made headlines? To start off 2017, Governor Brown disclosed his annual State of the State Speech by attacking the Trump administration regarding the immigration policy. Governor Brown’s Speech was neither brief or long, however, it was a downright message attacking the Trump administration regarding the immigration policy. Throughout his use of rhetorical devices and fallacies such as logos, pathos, and ethos, Governor Brown both reinforced and weakened his speech. Governor Brown sensed that his logical arguments regarding the immigration policy was crucial to grab the attention of his audience. Throughout his use of logos, Governor Brown employs logical arguments that he is transporting to all Californians. …show more content…

Brown’s bold statements are an attempt to bestow his audience with a logical appeal, by providing statistical evidence regarding the foreign-born citizens in California. However, because Brown did not cite or reference any credible sources, he could not relate this statement to the exact number of illegal immigrants currently residing in California, who are not paying their taxes, the speech omits to astonish the audience. Later, Brown quotes he has “Provided health insurance to over five million Californians”, followed Martin 2 by… “Raising Minimum wage, reducing prison overcrowding and reestablished the system of crime and punishment, making California the universal leaders in the fight against climate change, passing a water bond, and establish a rainy day fund” (Gajanan 1). Although these benefits were much needed for the five million Californians, Brown is not sure how the funds for these benefits are acquired and who for sure is paying it. He omits how this issue will personally effect the taxpayers who already own health insurance. He then omits to convey how this will …show more content…

For example, Brown states “This is California, the sixth strongest economy in the world” to start off his speech to enlighten Californians and notify them that they should be proud to reside in a state like California (Gajanan 1). Furthermore, Brown utilizes an emotional appeal early in his speech to awaken and enlighten his audience to support him. This strategy has become a success because by prompting the audience Brown has attained their undivided attention and are ignited to hear more. By awakening other Californians, Brown’s quote helps support his argument of his speech. Later, Brown states, “for myself, I feel privileged to stand before you as governor, like my father many years ago, His mother Ida, the youngest of eight children was born…not far from where we’re gathered” (Gajanan 1). Brown bestows his audience with personal descriptions to construct an emotional correlation between himself and his readers, enlighten them of his family background and unleashing his vulnerability to his audience. Brown utilizes this quote

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