Summary: The Influence Of Darwin's Theory On Evolution

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Prepared for:
Professor Nakagoshi
LBS 3860-02
T-TH 8:00 AM- 9:15 AM
Spring 2018
In the 19th centaury Darwin claimed that women have been subordinate since the beginning of time. In fact, Darwin’s theory on evolution was very influential on many individuals not only because it changed the way individuals thought about species, but also changed individuals perspectives on themselves. As a matter of fact, Darwin’s perspective over evolution has had an enormous impact on Gamble. Moreover, in the “Supremacy of the Male,” Gamble uses his argument to analysis how society has taken his theory to create the ideology of women being lesser than men. It is through Darwin’s text that she was able to fully explain to her …show more content…

According to Kaplan and Rodgers, all objects have categories of objects and essential characteristics. (Pg. 27) As a demonstration of this is used in their article when they give the example of water. Water is used to help illustrate the different appearance from an ocean view to a single drop of water. (Pg. 28) Kaplan and Rodgers, explain on how the essences of the water shares the same chemical but can also take many different forms. This is important because this way of thinking actually allowed for systematic investigation of substances and their properties. In which, allowed it to easily predict what the substance would do under certain pressures and restraints. As can be seen both Gamble and Darwin try to associate gender with essentialism. For instance, the way they build certain vocabulary and divisions around it makes them both at fault of not considering the grey areas of gender. Gender is mostly seen by them as either man or woman and fail to see the middle of gender such as intersexuality and gay and lesbianism. An essentialist by theory has no middle to their views simple a black and white and although both are correct to some extend they are both failing to recognize the individuals in which don’t categorize themselves as such. I will now discuss on an article by Fox Keller to help me further explain my …show more content…

In addition, she wanted to determine how the making of the man and woman, in other words gender ideology affected the making of science. In fact, her psychoanalysis permits her readers to further understand how individual’s earliest experiences helped shape their conception of the world and the orientations of gender. (Pg. 43) In fact, Keller states “ Even though the roots of both the equations and the dichotomies may be ancient, the seventeenth centaury witnessed a marked polarization of all the terms involved… crucial for the science as our understanding.” (Pg. 44) It is Keller’s confident statement that the naming of nature has always played a very dominant roll in science. Moreover, while science itself was considered a product of the scientific community, science itself was a product of the society in which surrounded it. This is an important aspect because depending on societies development and ideologies, certain values and goals are placed into every new