The Human Animal In 2010, 63% of homes in the US owned a pet. “Even though our society is no longer rural and pets are not needed for security or pest control, clearly a lot of people see them as essential” said Dave Munger, the author of the article The Human Animal (Munger). In high school, my senior English project was to define what makes us human. This has been a topic that many have deliberated on for hundreds of years. What separates humans from other creatures fall under three categories: “communication, tool use, and domestication of animals” (Munger). It is argued in this article that there is a fourth trait falling under what makes us human. We as humans have taken “domestication one step further and adopt pets as family members is a fourth distinguishing trait of human beings” (Munger).
It is our connection with animals which binds together what is defined as making us human. Although animals do not speak the same language as us, we communicate with animals as if they did. Teaching them to work alongside us using “animals themselves as
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However, I can personally vouch that I also would fall under each study done, in favor of animals. My first dog was my absolute best friend. He was my confidant, my equal. He worked alongside me as a therapy dog, with whom I gained a powerful bond, as Munger mentioned previously. He provided me comfort when I was upset and would be at the top of my most important individuals. That dog taught me more than any parent could have. He is the reason I love deeply and care for the well-being of others. His passion for hospice is what gave me the inspiration to become a nurse. He is the reason I am who I am. He is what makes me