Bilger The Last Meow Analysis

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The Last Meow Essay In Bilger’s argument of whether America spends too much on our pets or not, I agree with Bilger. I agree with him because I do believe we spend too much due to the fact that we get attached deeply. How do pet owners spend too much? Well pet owners will go out and buy their pet materialistic things. People will go and pay top dollar for very expensive medical procedures. If you go down to Hollywood or Beverly Hills you’ll see pets in expensive sweaters and carriages being paraded around town. Pet owners are asked to pay half their yearly income to save their pets, and they’ll go through with it. Pets have been thrown into the world of fashion and materialistic things becoming necessities. Pet owners go out and buy cashmere sweaters modified purses to carry their little poodles or chiuauas. Pet owners will go buy expensive dogs for hundreds of dollars just for the fashion. It’s becoming outrageous how much one would spend to make their dogs fashionable. Pets are groomed and trained for fashions shows, they are checked to see if they’re fashion show material. …show more content…

Vets will price the pets procedures close to what hospitals price human procedures. They run so many tests that aren't even needed just to make some more money but the pet owners don't even realize because they put their trust into the vet's words. In the story of “The Last Meow” a woman was asked if she wanted to put her dog down, the dog had internal bleeding, a grapefruit sized growth hanging from her belly, and a bleeding tumor that spread to her liver. The owner initially said no that she wanted to go through with the surgery, but eventually she finally came to terms and saw there was no help for her beloved

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