David Mccullough's '1776'

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Maria Velasquez AP US History Grade 11 September 2016 AP US HISTORY SUMMER ASSIGNMENT: The story of the American Revolutionary war which led to America gaining their independence from Britain is told in the non-fiction historical narrative book; “1776” written by award winning author David McCullough. The book narrated by the author himself, tells the story of the war through the perspective of both America and Britain, through the eyes of important figures from both countries (like George Washington, King George 1l etc). Although, “1776”, is indeed a non-fiction book based on historical facts, David McCullough was able to write it in a way were the book is more like a novel then a historical book making it easier for many readers to understand. …show more content…

Many of these battles were defeated by the British and almost caused America a great lost. One of the major messages conveyed in this book, is that even though America was defeated many times by the British in the battles, it never stopped them from continuing to fight for what they wanted and changing in addition to creating new military tactics/strategies that would help them win the