Synopsis Of 1776 Sparknotes

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The book 1776 rewrites the prolific story of what many historians consider to be the most important year in American history. The book contains a vast number of characters that serve many key roles in the story but one could focus in on the five that have the largest impact in the story. Beginning with King George III of England, the enemy in most American’s eyes. King George in the story appears to be genuinely wanting to gain the colony back. He was definitely strongly opposing the American push for independence from England. He was not in agreement in what the Parliament wanted to do with the colonies. That being that the Parliament wanted to allow for colonies to have partial independence or self-determination. David McCullough includes the positive motives that King George had for wanting to keep America under his control. David then goes on give an extensive backstory on George Washington. David includes many details that writers do not include when one brings George Washington into their stories. David goes into the childhood of Washington in how he became so educated in a large number of subjects. George Washington is portrayed as the main …show more content…

His campaigns in the south made important contributions to the eventual win of the Revolutionary War. Greene was a military genius, a hard worker, and an amazing general in the army. Greene overcame a stiff leg that caused him to not be able to run or perform many basic acts of cover out on the battlefield. Greene was used in the book as a person to inspire others in how he overcame so much to become a very successful person even when nobody believed in him. Greene became a major general and a key advisor to Washington, yet when the book began he was not supposed to be a success in the army. Greene surpassed all expectations people had for him. Greene was not supposed to ever succeed in