Davis And Grusky's Ideas: A Conceptual Analysis

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In web design there is an element known as the drill-down menu; these menus are a series of links which are nested in such a way as to allow the user to select general information and, through additional options, continually tighten their focus down to specific, detailed data. This concept of drilling down to a focal point is the most accurate way I can describe the relationship between Davis and Moore's, Choo and Ferree's, and Grusky's ideas regarding inequality. Each article presented a complete methodology for analyzing inequality, yet each one looks at the topic through a different level of scrutiny. Additionally, it appears that this altered focal point leads to quite different interpretations of social stratification. According to Davis …show more content…

This foundation allows us to understand that we tend to view inequality as important not because of morality, but because of its consequences (Grusky, 3). With this background knowledge, we can embrace the more specific concept of social location of individuals—quite different from Davis and Moore’s insistence that stratification addresses position but not individuals. Social location is derived by a constellation of scores derived from eight classes of variable (economic, power, cultural, social, honorific, civil, human, and physical), all of which combine to create what Grusky defines as the inequality space. This inequality space allows the examination of individuals along less-studied dimensions. As an aside, this analysis struck me as quite shocking on a personal level—while reading I noted, “this made me realize how little standing I have within our society.” Fascinating in and of itself, the concept of multidimentionalism is further enhanced when intersectionality is added to the