Day Of Gilgamesh Identity Analysis

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In epic Gilgamesh struggle and Marji”s identity has seen the two characters on a transitional change that depicts a shift in the way they are portrayed and, how they are projected in their order to adapt to the society effectively. Comparatively between the two states depicted by Marji’s identity, on cultural identity, introduces to Marji’s childhood, when girls were bound to wear the veil and isolated by gender where the Islamic culture got rid of secular education. She struggles in understanding the message intended of the veil but eventually felt that she could correct what she saw as injustices in her world. She finds herself by the fact that Zarathustra, the first Iranian prophet and the traditional Zoroastrian holidays where she enjoyed with her family earlier to the revolution (Satrapi, 2003). The identity is seen portraying the plight of women in society. Women are discriminated against welfare depicting the veil as seen in the case of Marji and also education. My identity, however, is liminal pertaining conventional, abiding by accepted proprieties and customs …show more content…

The article considers that at the end of the world, the true God, Jesus Christ will return from the sky, the world's only God Jesus Christ will raise dead and trial for them. God will then judge each person individually; according to his good and evil deeds on Christian's faith. God will show mercy and fairness in judgment. According to the teachings of Holy Bible, those who believed in God and perform good deeds will eternally be rewarded in Heaven, and those who rejected faith in God will be punished as well in the fire of Hell forever. As a Christian, God is the upholder of all life, and nothing happens except by His Will and full knowledge, and his knowledge is complete, and through difficulties and hardships, all is entrusted to him. With this reflection, I stick and abide by the rules ascertaining my