Day Of The Dead Essay

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Current Event: Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos)

Day of the Dead is a holiday celebrated throughout Latin America and is carried throughout two days in honor of the dead. Day of the Dead is celebrated on November 1st through November 2nd. November first is known as Dia de los Inocentes, honoring children who have died. November second is known as Dia de los Muertos, honoring adults who have also died. Day of the Dead is not only a celebration; it is also has a history and a perspective.
All Saints Day (November 1st) focuses attention and prayers for the children on who have died. All Souls Day (November 2nd) welcomes the souls of all adults who have passed to be with their families on this night. During Day of the Dead, family members and friends visit gravesites of their loved ones to pull weeds, clean debris, and decorating them with the loved one’s favorite trinkets, food, and drinks. They also create alters for their loved ones. Marigolds are a flower known as the flower of the dead. Marigolds are placed on table …show more content…

Many Indigenous groups viewed the worlds of the dead and the living as being connected. Mesoamerican communities did not view death and life as separate states; the living and the dead co-existed, and they believed communication could take place between the realms. During this period, families typically buried their loved one under the floors of their house. Mesoamerican burial chambers were often not sealed, meaning family members could enter the tombs and make offerings to their deceased ancestors. Families also asked help from their deceased loved ones who could act as intermediates between the realm of the living and the dead. Indigenous traditions continued throughout pre Columbian and pre 1492 periods when the rituals merged with Catholic practices to creating a celebration on All Saints Day and All Souls