
Daycare Persuasive Speech

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As many of you are aware, there has been a recent outbreak of several illnesses in our local schools and some have reached our daycare kids. In an effort to head off any more spreading of these germs the daycare room has been sanitized from top to bottom, including all toys.

We wanted to take this opportunities to also revisit some of our daycare rules so that everyone is on the same page and there are no further miscommunications.

-Daycare Time Limit: There is a maximum of 2 hour limit per day that a child can be in the care of the gyms daycare. We feel this is an amount of time that a child can handle and that you can get a great workout completed.

-Check in/check out: We have a sign in log in the daycare that each parent needs to sign …show more content…

When changing diapers, we are unable to keep our eyes on the other children in the room, our back is to them and our attention is on changing the diaper. Please understand that we will come and get you if your child has a dirty diaper and we would appreciate your timely response to taking care of the situation.

-Daycare Capacity: We have a lot of new members and have found that our small room can only hold about 15 children at a time. As a parent you can understand that 15 toddlers running around is different then 15 older elementary aged kids who are stationary playing, which is why were leaving it at ‘about’ 15. Please help us minimize safety concerns by being aware that you might be asked to wait until a child leaves before you drop off your little one. Thank you for your understanding on this matter.

Hitting/Fighting/Rough Play: We fully understand that kids will be kids and some of these actions can be rationalized as such, but a continually issue of malicious or unsafe acts will result in the parent being asked to removed the child from the daycare at that time and it will be at managements discretion as to when the child can return to the daycare. We have to keep the safety and happiness of all of the children in the daycare in

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