Parental Involvement In Schools

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There has been important research on how parental involvement affects students. Explanations for why parents do not get involved, and what role teachers play in creating an atmosphere that is encouraging to parents becoming actively involved in their children’s education; Parental involvement is defined as contribution made by parents to their child's education. These contributions can take place in or outside of the school. For example, At home, Parental involvement can include activities such as helping with homework; and parent’s involvement at school may include parents volunteering in the classroom or attending workshops.
Parental involvement is essential to school reform. The way parents become involved and the way they should be involved …show more content…

Educators must understand how culture shapes children's development by recognizing cultural differences in families that are shaped by everything from a broad socio-cultural influence to unique family influences. Thus, knowing the values and characteristics of the family can provide insight on how to engage them in their children's school experience. All families can have a positive influence on their child’s learning.

Solutions to Improving Parental Involvement: It is possible for schools to create cultures that promote relationships among teachers and family members that minimize the effects of social, economic, and ethnic class differences on family involvement in their children's learning at home and school. When families, schools, and communities work collaboratively it results in higher student achievement, also improve student behavior, attendance, and more positive school …show more content…

Children benefit by receiving higher grades and test scores. They often have better attendance and complete more assignments. Students who have actively involved parents show fewer placements in special education. Typically these students demonstrate more positive attitudes and behavior. They generally have higher graduation rates and show greater enrollment in postsecondary education. Parent benefits include developing more confidence in the school. The teachers could have higher opinions of them as parents and also, higher expectations of their children. That result in parents developing more confidence not only about helping their children learn at home, but also about themselves as