Dbq Black Death Essay

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The Black Death

The two faiths, Christianity and Islamic, approach the black death in

similar ways religiously, medically, and in dealing with the Jews. Religiously the

faiths saw the plague as a curse. The Muslims thought of the black plague as a

blessing from god.

(Document 4, 6, 8) the Muslims and the Christians have their own opinions

of what they think the Black Death is. The Christians refer to the Black Death as a

curse because of the sins that they have made in the past or the present. The

Muslims refer the Black Death as a blessing/gift. What shall we do? King Jesus,

receive the souls of the death, averts your gaze from our sins and blot out all our

iniquities. We know that whatever we suffer is the just reward …show more content…

Pre-plague population of Europe: 75,000,000

Population of Europe in 1351: 51,160,000

Mortality rate: 31%

The Black Death mortality estimates for the Middle East from selected Egyptian

and Syrian sources

Pre-plague Egyptian population: 4 to 8,000,000

Pre-plague Syrian population: 1,200,000

Death rate of Egyptian population: 25 to 33%

Death rate of Syrian population: 33%

The mortality in Siena (Italy) began in May (1348) in was a cruel and horrible

thing. There was so much pain and sorrow in the plague times. The signs of the

black plague were very horrifying and disturbing, the signs are swelling beneath

their armpits and in their groins, and they will fall over while talking. They would

die immediately as soon as they got it. It’s awful how the Muslims thought of the

Black Death as a blessing. The plague was so bad that there ditches were full of

dead people. There was so many people that died they believed it was the end of the


Document (7, 8) in document 7 they claimed the Jews were guilty of this

crime. The Jews were burnt in many a lieu and death in this dread form. The