Dbq Essay On Christianity

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Christianity is based upon the teachings of Jesus. Jesus spread the beliefs of peace and love for God. He was loved by many (especially the poor, women, and slaves) and when he would great people they would call him the messiah. Christianity spread slowly due to certain groups of people who disagreed with their beliefs/religion. Even though many Christians were treated poorly and sacrificed their life for this religion. Christianity is one of the most popular religions today, and it is because of those people that it has become so successful. Christianity changed from a persecuted sect to a state religion within the Roman Empire by the martyrs, emperors, and apostles who shared their beliefs set new boundaries and bettered their fellow citizens …show more content…

“I interrogated these as to whether they were Christians; those who confessed I interrogated a second and a third time, threatening them with punishment; those who persisted I ordered executed.” According to Document B, these were the “procedures” the Romans used in an effort to try and stop Christians from practicing their own religion, but the martyrs truly had no fear and remained loyal to their religion no matter what they were faced with by the Romans. “Besides being put to death they were made objects of amusement; they were clothed in hides of beasts and torn to death by dogs; others were crucified; others were set on fire to illuminate the night after sunset.” Document C proves that not only were the martyrs not afraid of death, but they also weren’t afraid of social embarrassment. They were made into a joke and amusement for Romans, but they didn’t care. “and royal edicts were published everywhere, commanding that the churches should be razed to the ground, the Scriptures destroyed by fire...if they persisted in the Christian profession, be deprived of their liberty.” This quote from document D shows how the Romans literally took everything away from the Christians and did everything they could to stop them from spreading Christianity, but no matter what was thrown at them and …show more content…

Christians, we, with our wonted clemency, have judged it is wise to extend a pardon even to these men and permit them once more to become Christians and reestablish their place of meetings; in such manner, however, that they shall in no way offend against good order.” Christians were brutally persecuted by the Romans, but this document provides evidence of how the Roman Empire's helped Christianity become a state religion (and allowed to become accepted in more areas)- this is one of the first emperors to tolerate Christians. “Therefore, your Worship should know that ... concerning the Christians and now any one of these who wishes to observe Christian religion may do so freely and openly, without disturbance.” This quote (from Document F) is by Constantine. He was an emperor who was very influential during this time and openly supported Christians as well as enforced the idea of peace and letting everybody worship whatever god(s) they wish. “We authorize the followers of this law to assume the title Catholic Christians... the others, since in our judgment they are foolish madmen, we decree that they shall be branded... heretics.” This quote is from Theodosius I. He was the Roman emperor who made Christianity the official state religion. This was one of the biggest moment in Christian history and allowed