
Dbq Essay On Industrial And Transportation

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Industrial and Transportation Revolution During the late 1800s, the United States economy changed due to new inventions, remarkably rapid growth, and new forms of communication and transportation. Different factories were being built, and manufacturers had begun to reorganize the way of work. Factories and workers were going from hand production to machinery. The Industrial Revolution marked a turning point. The way of life and the different aspects on daily life was changed in some form of way. Two of the obvious changes were population growth and the average income. These benefits brought about changes with new inventions. A transition to new inventions and manufacturing processes brought about more jobs in different industries. Many resources were expanding due to mass production. Mass production was a system used in factories for production of goods. This system included machineries, workers, and assembly lines. For example, the textbook refers to a figure chart that gives a list of many industries in retrospect to mass production that added more value to the goods. Industries such as cotton textiles, men’s clothing, and shoes …show more content…

On the map you can see how the numerous canals, roads, and new rivers provided a cut in time for transporting goods to the other parts of the world. The second image provides a visual of the railroads that were improved during this revolution. Steamboats were considered the profitable form of transportation. The first successful steamboat was built by Robert Fulton. Canals were used to bring connection between interior areas and natural waterways. Our textbook, informs us that the Erie Canal was the longest canal in the world. The revolution of railroads provided a means of transportation to the places that water systems could not reach. The Transportation Revolution was a major factor in the decline of cost to transport goods and the increase in business pace for the United

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