Dbq Slavery Research Paper

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slavery as we know it existed in america for well over 300yrs. Although some people fail to recognize its existence there is plenty of evidence that proves otherwise. Evidence exists in the form of picures, slave narratives and slave codes. People continue to argue that slaves outnumbered owners which is somewhat true but fail to understand why slaves could not. Slaves were bound by social, political and economic motives possessed by owners. Owners for years were able to maintain slavery through consistent importation/trading of slaves, mental tricks and a plethora of slave codes that kept slaves/negroes(free blacks) inferior to white counterparts.
With the value of cash crops increasing throughout the nation, owners wanted to make the most money possible. In …show more content…

Slaves available varied in age, gender, skillset, and most of all condition. Advertising of upcoming auctions could be found in newspapers, common areas, and as flyers. Short enticing details drew owners, “Two hundred and eighty prime slaves.”(Doc 10) The condition of a slave determined monetary value and owner interest. Slaves covered in whip markings often sold for less than counterparts with little to no markings. These markings signified that the slave was often disobedient or attempted to run away. Slaves stood before a vast crowd of potential buyers on the auction block being thoroughly examined and inspected for good traits. Shown in doc 9 “Auctioneers stood beside slaves listing features, attributes, and skill-set of that slave. Prime male slaves were often known to be strong, able-bodied, and young. With prime women being identified as fertile, good with children, and able to cook and clean. The consistent importation and selling of african captives into slavery brought great wealth amongst owners and all parties involved. Owners would fight to protect slavery the most as they directly invested their own