
Dbq Women

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During the 1400-1660 the renaissance was happening and new ideas started to spread. The printing press was invented, Martin Luther posted the 95 theses on the church's door, and trade was becoming bigger. New kinds of art, philosophy, and techniques started to arise. European society started to debate about what the role of women is, many said it was to bear the mans child and to stay at home. During this time the debate about the role of women was understood differently by early feminists, religious leaders, and humanist thinkers.

A different form of thinking developed where strong and independent women believed that women could also be as important and resourceful as a man. This is shown by Christine de Pisan when she asserts that women …show more content…

This is evident by John Calvin when he states that women should not be in rule over her husband or have such thoughts, they had to subject to and love their husbands (D6). This is evident in the ‘Epistle of Saint Paul’ when Calvin asserts that a woman's role is to stay at home and to subject to their husbands. Calvin was a Protestant theologian and political leader in Geneva, he was a man who wanted to promote his religion which made him biased. Another religious leader was John Knox who stated that men should take control of the situation and women, therefore the men would be the ones in control of the situation (D7). This is evident in ‘The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women’ where he asserts that women should not rule and putting himself in a higher position than women. Knox was a Presbyterian leader in Scotland, and the primary Calvinist figure in Scotland, he was a powerful religious man which caused him to be biased. A third religious leader was Martin Luther who asserted the protocol that women should take in the case of a divorce (D5). This is evident in ‘The Estate of Marriage’ when he states that if a man is unable to fulfill his duty to impregnate his wife she is able to secretly marry a brother or close relative of his, therefore, he should give her his consent. The purpose was a form for women to gain divorce and to obtain salvation, but they still had to reproduce within their husband's

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