
Dbq Women's Clothing

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Unlike today’s society, different types of clothing were reserved for a certain occasion. Queen Elizabeth had huge impact on women’s clothing because she wanted women to seem “virgin-esque.” In order to seem “virgin-esque” women had to cover their bodies and couldn’t seem provocative. Another group who influenced clothing was prostitutes. They started trends such as wearing platform shoes and tight clothing (“Daily Life”). During the Renaissance, jewelry became more popular. Men and women wore jewelry. Men would wear jewelry on their hats while women wore earrings and pearls. Dangling necklaces appeared more as the neckline of dresses got lower (“Jewelry”). In the lower class, people normally didn’t wear shoes, but if they did the shoe was “a flat sole held by a leather strap wound around the leg.” Religion played a role on clothing, too. Protestants wore white clothing because it was thought of as pure. Pope Paul II was chastised because instead of …show more content…

In the upper class, women worked as housewives. When women went out in public they were always with a man too prevent the woman from getting hurt. Lower classmen worked a lot of extra shifts for extra money, but they were still taken advantage of and didn’t get paid fairly. Consequently, a lot of lower class families stole to provide for themselves (“Daily Life”). Because they were so poor, there was a limited amount of jobs available, which led to people being unemployed. Even if a family did work that was no guarantee that they had enough money to support themselves (“Daily Life in the Elizabethan Era”). Middle class workers were artisans (“Daily Life”). The Upper Class had life easier than everyone else because they didn’t have to work as much. Wealthier people had more freedom and were important from a social standpoint. With that being said, those that were well off were the people who had the worst morals. They walked over everyone else because they had

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