Dd Literature Review

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PTSD its Risk Factors and Life After War Angeline C. Smith University of Louisiana at Lafayette Abstract In this literary review I will be discussing some of the precursors to PTSD. These contributing factors come from both exposer to certain events prior to deployment and even the possibility of a genetic link. Many studies have been done to try and figure out just why some develop PTSD while other don’t when put in the same situation. This will hopefully give some view points from both the biological and psychological sides as to why this is. Also discussed will be some comorbid disorders often seen with PTSD. Life after deployment is also an important factor. From barriers to care for both those still in the service to veterans …show more content…

Females have been found to be more prone to developing PTSD. This is attributed in part to women in the military reporting lower unit cohesion and less preparedness (Xue et al., 2015). Another factor that is more prevalent among female combatants diagnosed with PTSD is a history of sexual or physical assault (Feczer & Bjorklund, 2009). The more previous accounts of assault or trauma the higher chance of developing PTSD after …show more content…

(2015) found that “PTSD can cause substantial distress and interfere with personal and social functioning, subsequently leading to social withdrawal, anger, and aggression” (p.2). Many soldiers within and outside of the ranks are suffering from PTSD and not being treated. This is due in large part to the stigmatization of the disorder. Within the military injuries are often viewed as weakness even more so psychological ones (Feczer & Bjorklund, 2009). Many fear that seeking treatment could adversely affect their position. Apart from barriers to care experiencing life is much different for those with the disorder. Many do not feel comfortable in crowds or even doing routine errands alone. This may be enough to even push some to have panic attacks (Feczer & Bjorklund, 2009). Families of soldiers returning with PTSD also face many challenges. There are more counts of domestic violence among those with PTSD. Also children of parents with PTSD show more signs of behavioral and emotional issues (Marmar,