Deadly Force Case Study

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Use of Deadly Force Use of deadly force has been utilized by police officers all over the United States, misconceptions from our society is that the use of deadly force automatically equates to excessive force. “The law does not require police officers to utilize the absolute minimum force necessary in a threat, only that the level of force be reasonable to control a deadly threat” (Miller, 2015). This in itself is very true, this kind of information needs to be conveyed to our communities as it could change the next encounter someone has with a police officer. Throughout the course of this paper I will be examining the April 30, 2007 Supreme Court of the United States No. 05-1631 Timothy Scott, v. Victor Harris, I will examine the elements of the case against Minnesota’s Statutes 609.066 authorized use of deadly force by peace officers under 609.066s1 and 609.066s2. Articulating the factual findings of this case will present my outcome of agreement or disagreement that can alter or shape the effects of the law enforcement community. Lastly I will relate the Fourth Amendment and its applicableness to the use of deadly force. In March 2001, a Georgia county deputy clocked Victor Harris’s vehicle traveling 73 miles per hour on a road …show more content…

By suspects fleeing from police during a traffic violation, it would not be an intrusion of an individual’s Fourth Amendment right, the fact that the self-propelled motor vehicle is an object that would constitute deadly force, all parties involved would have to understand that death or great bodily harm can be the ultimate outcome. While departments have different policies regarding pursuing fleeing motor vehicles, the mere termination of such cases does not constitute that the fleeing suspect will stop driving in a reckless and dangerous manner. The discretion of the officer is the ultimate weapon and decision with the use of deadly