Dean Arnold Corll Research Paper

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Dean Arnold Corll A.K.A The Candyman abducted, tortured, and murdered over 27 teenage boys in a series of killings spanning from 1970-1973, in Houston Texas. The crimes which would become known as the Houston Mass Murders were only discovered after the death of Corll who was shot by one of his accomplices who would play a key role in the discovery of the 27 bodies. Dean Corll was born on December 24, 1939 in Fort Wayne Indiana. Corll was brought up in a combative home where his strict father and overprotective mom would fight everyday. His parents divorced 4 years after the birth of Corll’s younger brother Stanley. Corll mother Mary ended up selling the family house and moving into a trailer home in Memphis where Arnold, Corll …show more content…

He only had an interest in the school brass band where he played the trombone. Many teachers regarded Corll as a well-behaved student who achieved average grades. After graduating in 1958, the Corll family moved to the Heights District of Houston and opened a new shop called “Pecan Prince. Corlls mother divorced Jake West in 1963 and appointed Corll as vice-president of the company. That same year, one of the male teenage employees of the company told Corlls mother that Corll had tried to make a sexual advances towards him. Corlls mother simply fired the youth for spreading false …show more content…

He was also seen to behave flirtatiously towards the male employees. In 1967 he became friends with a 12 year old name David Brooks; then a sixth grade student. Brooks was one of the many youthful friends that socialized with Corll. In 1970 Brooks dropped out of HS and moved to Beaumont to live with his mother. Whenever he came to visit his father in Houston he would visit Corll, who would allow him to stay in his apartment. Soon a sexual relationship developed between the two. Brooks would allow Corll to perform fellatio on him; that same year he moved back to Houston and began regarding Corlls apartment as his second

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