Athletes: The Role Of Concussions In Football

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Many athletes are injured every year. These injuries sometimes are career ending and ruin dreams of great players. In football alone there are nearly 15 concussions a season. This could cause major problems in the future for these athletes. After, the first concussion you could die if you get hit again. College injuries are by far the worst. The school is not responsible for caring and aiding the injured player. The player can be hurt and be in need of surgery which is very expensive. The school isn’t required to assist in paying towards the surgery. The athlete then could not get the proper medical attention needed for their injuries and could live their lives in pain. Many players have to go to rehab or physical therapy to be able to have …show more content…

But once those pads went on and Belcher hit the field, that persona quickly changed. He was known as one of the hardest hitters ever to play at SFA. His instinct in the defensive backfield and ability to make plays are still talked about. “He was a coach’s dream,” said former SFA assistant coach Gene Chizik to the Orlando Sentinel in 2000. ““He was the whole package, but he was a better person than a …show more content…

He came to be known as the heart of the Lumberjack football team, which may have seemed somewhat ironic considering Belcher grew up in Huntsville, not far from the campus of Sam Houston State, SFA’s biggest rival. “He wanted to get away from home and make a name for himself,” said Cally’s mother Helen Belcher. “It was nice for us because he was still close enough for us to be able to see him play.” Tragically, that career, and life, was cut far too short in the spring of 1994 when Belcher suffered a blow to the head during a practice on March 22nd making a tackle. He collapsed to the field and was rushed to the hospital where one week later, Belcher passed from a brain aneurysm. The memory of Belcher continues to live on, however, as his jersey serves as a constant reminder as to what it truly means to be a Lumberjack. For Helen Belcher, Saturday will be a bittersweet day. For one game, she will get to see that #16 jersey back on the field, something she has longed to see for 20 years

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