Death In Emily Dickinson: The Theme Of Death

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Some people think of death as a terrifying end to the world, but Emily Dickinson had a different approach. The theme of death has been talked about in literary works for many years, but not in the same way Emily Dickinson does it. Most people view death as an inevitable end to the world. On the other hand, Dickinson thought of death to be the beginning instead of the end. Most people fear death, but Dickinson feels comfort from it. Dickinson thought death was a path to eternity. Christianity was a major part of Dickinson's childhood. She learned a great deal about the Bible, and that was where she got her first understanding about death. Death was brought to her attention at a young age since she lost many of her friends and family. Her father died in 1874, and eight years later her mother died (Tiwari 1). …show more content…

Om Prakash Tiwari reveals that in a letter Dickinson wrote that she was still hurt by the deaths even though she was comfortable with it. Dickinson said ‘“The dying's have been too deep for me, and before I could raise my heart from one, another has come.”’ (Tiwari 1) Dickinson’s poetry portrays death as an escape from reality. She related the real world to a place of stress and mayhem. She spent most of her time alone by herself and did not like communication (Tiwari 1). Her isolation from society gave her time to write her poetry and form her thoughts on death. Though she did not have much communication with others, she got influence from a few other writers, such as Nathaniel Hawthorne and Ralph Emerson (Daghamin 149). Death was still somewhat a mystery to her, which is why she never gave a final perspective of death (Daghamin 148). The theme of death is prevalent throughout Dickinson’s