Emily Dickinson And Walt Whitman Analysis

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“Poetry is ordinary language raised to the Nth power. Poetry is bonded with ideas, nerved and blooded with emotions, all held together by the delicate, tough skin of words,”(Paul Engle). Poetry covers all spectrums of life, whether it encompasses morality, love, death, or finding ones true self. When reading poetry one may stumble across pure brilliance, words so powerful they have the ability challenge the mind. Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman have that such gift, and are nothing short of illustrious. Dickinson and Whitman have revolutionized poetry eternally. Emily Dickinson’s writing shows her introverted side, she found comfort in being reclusive. Her writing clearly depicts that certain works of her will not be meant for everyone, rather …show more content…

Dickinson began writing early on, yet her first piece was published after her death. Dickinson’s writing can be describe as gloomy or dark, whereas Whitman’s is not. Throughout her work she portrays how life merely continues and exploits the darker, less noticeable meaning of daily life events. Her writing is extremely precise, she uses slant rhymes through her writing. By doing such she is able to put emphasis on certain words to convey the prominence of what is being said. In the poem “I’m Nobody! Who are you?, ” Emily Dickinson uses slant rhyme to magnify the message being …show more content…

Whitman’s influential writing stems from his positive and uplifting messages. This is where Whitman was far divergent than Dickinson. Walt had tendencies to mainly use free-verse. He was a straight forward writer whom wrote lengthy pieces that revolved around the individual. Whitman's writing are depictions of individuals everyday life struggles, and how to consistently have positive outcomes the most horrid situations. In Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman he discuss in this quote how to face fearsome situations: “I exist as I am—that is enough; If no other in the world be aware, I sit content; And if each and all be aware, I sit content. One world is aware, and by far the largest to me, and that is myself; And whether I come to my own to-day, or in ten thousand or ten million years, I can cheerfully take it now, or with equal cheerfulness I can wait” (406-411). Whitman brings light to death. He not only encourages those to embrace death, but to not shy away from it. Bringing individuals face-to-face with reality is where Whitman excelled, his writings were vividly personal, and left nothing to the imagination. Whitman truly inspired those of his time period to face life realities as they