
Death Of Diversity In Feed By M. T. Anderson

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In a world where people have access to anything, diversity is slowly dying. In Feed by M.T. Anderson, the death of diversity correlates with the passing of a character. Most characters have similar ideologies and tendency, but one character dares to be different. Advertisements relate with real life attitudes of the character. I argue that the “everything most goes” advertisement symbolized the death of diversity and a stronger formation of Titus’ status quo bias. More specifically, I claim that the advertisement represents the death of different ideas to move the society into a tunnel vision created by the feed. First, I will discuss echo chambers and status quo bias, particularly throughout Feed’s idea of social norms. Then I will evaluate …show more content…

The company can filter the information they see fit to create their ideal echo chambers. The feed creates filter bubbles for everyone except Violet. The companies use an individual’s emotions to sell more products. After Titus visits Violet’s lifeless body, he receives an advertisement that correlates to his current feelings. The jean ad starts by saying “feeling blue? Then dress blue” (Anderson 299). They ad took Titus’ sadness into a marketing strategy illustrating the Titus is still a part of a filter bubble. The ad states “everything must go” 5 times while gradually receding in size (299) symbolizing Violet's death. Everything must leave include everyone. No one lives forever. Violet was the one character that did not belong to the same echo chamber causing the end of different ideology in the novel. The corporation would not save her life because she was not what they deemed as a proper consumer. FeedTech did not see Violet fitting into their status quo causing them not to expect, or save, her. Her death was because she was …show more content…

The corporation took the person’s who death they could have stopped, and turned it into a way to make more money. It was due to her different ideas that they did not want to save Violet’s life. The advertisement shows a death of diverse thinking caused by a different echo chamber. Her questioning of the world around her made Violet an illustration of breaking the status quo bias created in society. Her death was the end of questioning the current world order. Although Titus is now researching articles to share with Violet’s lifeless body, he is not reflecting on the information. Titus is not letting the information be more than just a way to feel less guilty. He will slowly merge back into his societal norms leaving Violet’s ideology behind him. Titus has an echo chamber that will maintain due to his interaction with the same friend group. The one character that would have changed his echo chamber is dead. The blue jean ad shows the filter bubble meaning through the death of different

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