Death Penalty Wrong

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Death Penalty Right or Wrong?
The Death Penalty is it right or wrong? Many Americans throughout the years have been in arms about whether it should be abolished or not. Some people believe it is an inhumane act and should be outlawed. As a part of this reading assignment, I will discuss two individuals, Edward Koch and Mario Cuomo different beliefs and conclude with my point of view about capital punishment. In the article, Justice Is Served with the Death Penalty, Edward Koch expresses his approval for capital punishment. Edward believes keeping the punishment for murder will deter criminals from committing the crime, which will in turn save the lives of innocent people. He also states that sixty-one percent of Americans and the US Supreme …show more content…

Mario believes there isn’t a reason to continue the use of this punishment. Mario discusses how the death penalty is an ineffective deterrent and has murdered the lives of the innocent. He states that through the official workings of the state twenty-three innocent lives were taken. Mario is sick and tired of this barbaric punishment and believes that America should have a more effective and precise punishment for murder. Mario also believes that the punishment for murder should be life in prison without parole, instead of capital punishment. He elaborates on this concept by explaining a situation that happened when he was the governor of New York. He tells of a man that was given life in prison for committing a murder in Oklahoma, then fleeing to New York. The legal system in New York kept the man in their prison system for a few years rather than sending him back to be executed in Oklahoma. A few years later, New York governed that the criminal would be sent back to Oklahoma to be executed. The night before the criminal’s execution, he left a note saying that he rather face capital punishment than rot in jail for a lifetime. Mario hopes that eventually capital punishment will be outlawed, as it is a very corrosive and malicious