Death System Failure

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In Not Just a Death, a System Failure, author Barbara Morgan criticized the US health care system’s lack of palliative care, painful treatments, and unwillingness to face the end-of-life decision, which leads to many patients suffering the last part of their lives in discomfort. The author centers her argument on the anecdote about the dying of her late mother, who spent several months in the discomfort of intensive care until the time of her death. Moran’s point is one part valid since the treatments for serious diseases are dangerous, painful, and many times only focus on prolonging life rather than improving life. However, she neglected the fact that these treatments are optional, and patients are always open to spending the last part of their life away from the hospital.
Treatments for serious diseases are known to have many side effects that deteriorate patents’ health. For example, dialysis, the kidney treatment that the author’s mother was receiving, could seriously weaken a patient’s organ. Although this is a common treatment that serves to perform the function of a failing kidney, it could results in a variety of side effects …show more content…

Studies have shown that adequate palliative care is not available to many seriously ill Americans. Recent research revealed that about a third of hospitals in the US completely lacked palliative care programs and many of these programs are flawed (CAPC). Even in hospitals with these programs, they often have limited accessability, and patients are generally unawared of them (Rhymes). Palliative care is fundamental in ensuring a patient’s comfort and recovery, yet, its importance has not been recognized until recent years. While palliative programs in the US are constantly being improved, many will still suffer in discomfort while receiving their medical