Physician Assisted Suicide Essay

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Assisted Suicide: A Controversial Topic Assisted suicide, also known as physician-assisted death (PAD), has been a topic of controversy for decades. While some argue that PAD should be legalized to grant terminally ill patients the right to die with dignity, others believe it goes against the sanctity of life. This essay will explore the arguments for and against assisted suicide and offer recommendations on how to approach the issue. PAD is Important Currently, eight states in the United States have legalized PAD (Boyle 1). Patients seek PAD to end their suffering with dignity (Frinsen 32). Supporters of PAD argue that it allows terminally ill patients to have control over their own death, rather than having to suffer through the final …show more content…

This contentious theory contends that people should have the freedom to decide how and when to end their lives in situations where pain and suffering are unavoidable. Although there is much discussion about this concept and it creates ethical and moral issues, it emphasizes how crucial it is to provide people choices and support so they may control their end-of-life experiences. In the end, society must decide how to handle this delicate situation and make sure that everyone's rights and well-being are …show more content…

Many people do not understand the difference between the two and assume that PAD is simply suicide by another name. PAD gains support from people every day when they learn more about it (Harrison 884). Educating the public on the process and benefits of PAD could help shift public opinion in favor of legalization. Harrison 884 suggests that as more people become informed about Physician-Assisted Death (PAD), the support for this controversial issue continues to grow. This highlights the importance of education and understanding of end-of-life options, as it can help reduce stigma and increase empathy towards those who are facing terminal illnesses. It also emphasizes the need for open and honest conversations around death and dying, as well as the ethical and moral considerations surrounding