'Deceitful Women In Roman Fever' By Edith Wharton

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Deceitful Women The short story “Roman Fever” by Edith Wharton is dramatic and in no way is read lightly and with ease. The characters in the story are complex and intriguing. There are two ladies in the story, Mrs. Slade and Mrs. Ansley, and a man, Delphin, in the middle of the women’s lives. The two women share this man and he does not even know it. They both think they have the upper hand, but in reality they are equally deceitful towards each other. In “Roman Fever” Delphin is a passive character because he is never aware of the decisions the women make about his life. One incident where Delphin is shown as a passive character is when Mrs. Slade writes a letter and signs it in his name to Mrs. Ansley. Then Mrs. Slade tells her, “I suppose