Examples Of Rebellion In Animal Farm By George Orwell

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The residential animals of a small farm named “Manor Farm” formed a plot of rebellion to escape the

hard work and deception of Jones, a human farmer, but will their own kind make them work even harder

and decieve them as well once the Rebellion is supposedely successful? The novel 'Animal Farm' by

'George Orwell' which takes place on a farm answers this question. Once the animals seize control of the

farm, it is expected that life would start looking up for them. However, it was a hopeless dream that never

came true due to deception rapidly becoming a spreading aura around the farm.

Napoleon was corrupted by his greed for power and lied to all the animals for his own benefit. He took

the milk that the cows had produced for himself …show more content…


is the watchword for today. One false step, and our enemies would be upon us. Surely, comrades, you do

not want Jones back?” (70). Since the animals have such a hatred for Jones and do not want him back,

this rhetorical question often repeated by Squealer causes them to immediately be convinced of what

Squealer tells them. Squealer has an immense amount of power over the animals through his cunning

and persuasive speaking skills.

Deception lived on the farm as well through everything that the pigs did. The pigs were unable to keep

the food from running out and being destroyed and as a result, there as very little food on the farm. So

they filled the almost empty bins with sand and put the food that they had left on the top to convince their

solicitor that conditions were good on the farm. “Napoleon ordered the almost empty bins in the store-

shed to be filled nearly to the brim with sand, which was then covered up with what remained of the grain

and meal” (85). The pigs were unorganized and were not able to stop the famine so they trick their

solicitor into thinking that conditions were good on the farm. The pigs also secretly added to the rules